At Bearings, Belts and Chain, Inc. we believe our customers are our best salespeople. Over the years we have had many of our customers send us letters letting us know how they feel about BBC as a business partner. Here are a few excerpts from their letters.
“The only way that we were able to accomplish this was with the help of our key suppliers like Bearings, Belts & Chain who bent over backwards to get us what we needed, when we needed it. “
“Bearings, Belts and Chain, Inc. treat their customers the way every company should.”
“My wife and I wanted to thank him personally but won’t be able to do so. Thus the reason for the letter. You are to be commended for having the foresight to hire such a compassionate employee, rare I’m sure in your type of business.”
“Their staff is very knowledgeable and efficient. They are always available during break downs and emergency situations, and they always go the extra mile to obtain hard to find items, including OEM replacement parts for all equipment.”
“Bearings and Belts have shown time and time again how they are willing to do whatever possible to be of service to our company. Seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, they are always there for us.”
“We couldn’t be happier with the quality of your work, on time delivery, and extremely competitive pricing. In the first quarter of this year you have saved us over $36,000.00 on our repair parts alone.”
“In our opinion, they excel as a bearing and power transmission distributor because they are completely dedicated to helping their customers.”